MindTap is an online learning platform by Cengage offering instructors control to create personalized courses with eTextbooks, videos, assessments, and study tools for student progress acceleration.
Subjects Available: Business Law, Economics, Intro to Computing, Management, Psychology, World Languages.
Cengage Unlimited Option | Duration | Price |
Cengage Unlimited eTextbooks | 4-Month Student Access | $79.99 |
Cengage Unlimited Online Homework Platforms + eTextbooks | 4-Month Student Access | $129.99 |
12-Month Student Access | $199.99 | |
Cengage Unlimited for Institutions | Flexible Pricing | Varies |
Questions integrated with the textbook make learning easier.
Unlimited attempts for questions.
Easy to navigate through different chapters.
Allows access from anywhere, with helpful features like read aloud option.
Need to sign back into MindTap frequently.
Expensive, especially for students on a tight budget.
Difficulty aligning assignments with curriculum due to lack of customization options.
MindTap reviews
MindTap reviews
MindTap pricing
Pricing yet to be updated!
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